D'Arcy Coolican

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2010 vs 2020

We react against unintended consequences & blind spots of previous generations. Nothing catalyzes energy quite like it. It’s core to product/zeitgeist thesis It’s why generational companies built in 2020’s will be reaction against those from 2010’s Theory on 2010s vs 2020s:

If the 2010s were about the demand side, the 2020s will be about the supply side. Making it easier for people to uplevel skills and find great jobs. Differentiating the supply rather than commoditizing it.

If the 2010s were about the gig economy, the 2020s will be able the “real jobs” economy. Helping create full time careers with higher long term earning potential. Stability over flexibility. True economic mobility not just side hustles.

If the 2010s were about ‘I want to build something that billions of people use’, the 2020s will be about ‘I want to build something that changes thousands of people’s lives’. Focus on changing lives in a big way not just building product in a big way.

If the 2010s were about building the next Uber, the 2020s will be about building the next Lambda or Incredible Health. Founder's North Star will change. In a lot of ways it already has.

If the 2010s were about “amazing, look at what they can do with all my data”, the 2020s will be about “yikes, look at what they can do with all my data”. Privacy will become a vector for every consumer company.

If the 2010s were about the attention economy, the 2020s will be about the value economy. Business models will shift from ad-based to transaction or subscription based to better align incentives.

If the 2010s were about coming to terms with the unintended consequences of social media, the 2020s will be about re-inventing it. Networks will be smaller, safer, more purposeful, and more private.

If the 2010s were about social **media** and vanity, the 2020s will be about social **communities** and authenticity. These networks will feel very different from today's giants.

How else will 2020s be different?

Also @remindmetweets to come back to this in 2030 (if twitter still exists)

(Originally published as a tweetstorm on Jan 24, 2020)